Page 23 - NYWaste-Spring2014
P. 23
THEAT'E t" "_CTl!!,"E
... 'OIf, ".":::_. ...."'*<>. ,.,
38. George Harrison thoughl il ""as a good idea 10 Inke 100 bend slraighllO India imrmdialely following Magical MystctyTour's tragic death.
39. Somebody Ihoulllll il was a good idea 10 stan AflPlc
40. The Bcatlcs (White
Albwn) WllS rock and roll's fi~ doublc album .. •or even ilS best.
41 . John LL"IUIOn thought The 8catlcs wouldn't mind if Yoko Ono S.'It by hi$5ide throughout the ill.fated Get Back llC$Sions.
42. Paul McCanncy lhought George Hamson wouldn'l mInd being told how to play guitar throughout the Gel Back sessions.
43. Nevcnhelcss. the l.cIll Be film is going to be out on DVD and Blu· ray any day now. But unTil then. jW.1 in case you f~ot...
44. YokoOnobrokeupTheBcutlcs.
previous UK albums. andlor(c) 36. The cardboard mousulche lucked
Bob Dylan's leftovC1 "".
In1966.The Bcatles wen: more popular INn Jesus •..certain southern Amc-rican states notwithstandin;:.
ACO\Ipleof weeks later in
1966. The 8catits quil touring bI.-cuusc they just couldn't h'M
play. not to
their new
material was
simply tOO
and difficult
10 properly ..,,-,
" " . , "" conccn Slage.
It had nothing whatsoever 10 do with the tcfls of "","",,.,,r
scats which .....enl unsold dwing lheir final
North American tour. Certainly
P.S.:andTheBcatlcssoldmore records in America that year than Herman's HcnnilS. Or. rome 10 Lhinkofil . ..
The Bcatlcs sold more records in America the following year than HerbAlpcrt.
insKk= initial vinyl pressings of Sgt. Pepper aclually
33. The MPrnny LaneMand '"Strnwbcny Fields Forever" promotional films were the fi~ high-<:OnCCpL {pun probably intcndt.'d) prc-n'COl"dcd clips cn,. produced for a rock and roll
46. Then Yoleo Ono broke up The
"""". M The MPcnny Lanc and
'"Strnwbcny Fields Forever" filnos were more fun 10 watch than that week's episode ofThe MOIlkccs.
Sgt. Pepper", Lonely Hcans Club
Band was rock and roWs first
Bcutlcs again.
47. Or was ilAllrn Klcin-r!
48. Finally. Phil Spcctormined the l.cIhBealbum. Evenso.
49. The BeatlC!l wen: the GREATEST rock and roll band EVER.
SO. The Bcatlcs are going to get back together some day. I mean. they finally got their lifeTime
Achic\'cmenl Grammy'''. righT ~
"coocept album.
Paul McCanncy
thought il was a
good idea 10 gel slraight to wort on Magical Mystery Tour irnrncdiately following Brian Epstein's tragic dealh.
45. But the Beatlcs got back Togc"thcr. united in a spiril offull and total cooperation. to make Abbey

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