Page 28 - NYWaste-Spring2014
P. 28
New York W~te SI'lUNG Issul! 2013
Holly Wood/awn's perwna wQsgoining S4m~ mdibility. One night she partied at the round
table with Fellini, (>11 ( ' nigh t with Sa/\lQdor Da/i and ~rQrd who were doing S(1me kind o f project together. Hollywasgetting around. One ofter- noon she searchfii Eldl.! out and dragged her to "Jockie's"newQJ1Qrtment on Thirteenth Street olld Avenue B. Thry gqt all dressed up for what could possibly tum ,,"t to be Q few days 011 the town. As thq ",alkd dawn thirtu nth strut, Holly dlat- uredahaut Heaven Grand, the pili)' Jackie Curtis wrau for The Theaur ofthe Ridiculous.
"I got bump~d back into the chorus/inei I'm a Moon Reindur Girl, and we sing 'Amlen, we'w
.. got antIen, w~ vegat...
"'What happened ta PrinCtU Ninga Flinga Dung?"
"'What do )'QU think? That fucking John Vacarro i s a s a d i s t . H~ g i v e s m e a c h a r a c t e r t h a t h a s n o arms and na Il!gs, and he then tortures me by mak- ing medo my entrance over and ove' again. My knees are raw to the hane. But Ijust took it, what- everhethrewatme. Thenoneday, fm un min- utes late fo, reheQrsa/ Qnd it WQS "Hol/y, if)'Qu want to bean Qctor)'llll must learn discipline. Dis- cipline I $II)I! So he bllmfMd me back into th~ dlo- rus Qnd took the role for himself. So good, let him see whm ifs like picking pieces ofhis wooden (foor out o f his knees/" No mQtter what he tries to do to me, Iwon't lu him break me.Iwill bt the best moon reindeer girl that eller existed!"
"Holly, )'Qu',e the only moon reindeer girl that ever ellisred."
"Oh, right, well Qnyway, he better not tJ')'com- inginto my aPllrrment and takingQ knife to my clothesl '
"What? He tried to do that to )'Qu?"
"YOII didn't hear? He went into Jackie's doset
and tore up everything she haJJ.·
"Oh, I thought she l i k d her clothes like that."
"No darling I meQn to shreds! Thm's why she moved. She's hiding from him She's not evengoing to rehellna/s Qnymore Qnd he is freaking out aver it."
"But what about the plll)'?'
·Oh no problem, the thMter is bookd Qnd any--
way, all shows have their lipS and downs before opening night."
Hally luibbled away abom how Penny ArcQde
and two other girls played th e Thalidomide Baby,
all three ofthem in one dresssinging out the
bulb was emitting the smell of sweaty hair it lived lIVer, Pictures torn from mQgazines ofTab Hunter and Helmut Bergerwert $(otch tQped O~erthe lIN. Oh, and there wtreabout fourteen fM"Ple in thiscrarnped space.
Jaooe herselfwas in a lang black torn Japllne$t robt with silk embroidered (fowers, and on h~r sized12plus feet wereapairofscuffedJoan
OfCarry On! Darling LeeeJJ
A remembrance of Leee Childers in my life
by Elda StiJJetto
{Back in 20 12} Leee was so happy 10 have his book coming out and wanted me to know I was remembered in his story. 'Drag Queells, Relll Boys, Pick Pockets,
Jlll/kies, Rockstars alld Punks' by Leee Black Childers.
So I. in tum, will share with you a piece of my unpublished book about how I met
Leee... The segment is titled
" Street"
lyrics... That WQS when they pi2ssed fau, old Puerto
Ricanmenwhowereplayingdom;- ,-______________________--,
noes on a folJi up card table out in the street. The macho mochos starred in with the whistles and the sucking noises. Then one said:
"moma mela pinga. · (suck my dick.)
Hpl/y WQlkd over to the tQblt ond overturned it, dominoes and all, right into their laps. They stood up and onegot in Hal/y's face.
"Hijo de lagran pUla." (You san ofabiuhl) Hegrawledat her.
She {licked her hair with her hand turned on her high hu/s and shot back. "Besa me el culo." (Kiss my au.) She took Elda's arm and drew he' awO)' from them confi· dently. They eQsilycontinued walk· ing when one shouted out "erika Secal"
"What's that mean?"
"You dried up runt."Holly said.
Th~ burst out laughing QS they made their wO)' to Jaaie's pIau.
"Jackie's place" was twa rooms and a waterc/oset. The walls were crowd QndJackie's stuffwas everywhere. Her full sized wrin- kled dresses limped offofwire hangers on nails dri~e" into the walls. Big old shoes 10)' waste indiscriminauly. A ratty blonde hairpiece knawn as her "Borbra Wig" crouched angrily oller a lit lampshade and the heat from the
The StilleUos photographed by Leee Childers - Make up and hair by Holly Woodlawn at Bourbon Tavern, their first gig in 1973.
Elda on Ihe Bourbon Tavern: " I had a loft 011 27th Street betweell Broadway alld Sixt/, witll all elevator" TI,e tavem was 2 doors dowlI -it w as a dive bllt we Ilad 110 way to trallsport ollr equipment ;" 1973 so it was a perfect place to tesf auf tile blllld - we did 2gigs fhere to packed IIOllses - Allgie OIld David Bowie slwwed lip witl, Leee."