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Who the Fuck are We?

Lucky Lawler - Crazy Glenn Wernig - Luke Palermo - Sergio Zuniga - Gary Pig Gold - Vlad - Christian Gabriel -
more to come...

Lucky Lawler

Lucky grew up in London during the great Punk yrs. Lucky feels saved by Punk Rock'n'Roll. Lucky has done life in NYC doing a variety of jobs.

One day after having read the dictionary out of sheer boredom, Lucky moved on to the yellow pages to see what other people did in life and kept stopping at publishing, and so was born the New York Waste newspaper.
One thing about Lucky is that Lucky loves the printed page.
Always going to gigs and shows with some sort of camera in pocket, shooting the underground rock scene in NYC for 17 yrs exclusively for the New York Waste newspaper, "a little rag that I have put out since 97 with the help of some of the best, the weirdest and the wildest that nyc?s has to offer?"

Banana Fish Zero by Lucky Lawler©2010
Banana Fish Zero by Lucky Lawler ©2010

Crazy Glenn Wernig

Art director/co-founder of the NY WASTE.
Superb fine art cartoonist, hangs out in bars drawing the local wildllife. His published body of work include "Having A Hell Of A Time, Wish You Were Here" and a is looking to produce his new one that is ready to go: "How I Spent My Permanent Vacation."
His vision includes Punks, musicians, artists, writers and other assorted weirdos. Bartenders, bar staff n' bar owners, Promoters n' anyone who has "sumpthin' going on" ...And, of course, hot rock n' roll chicks

Crazy Glenn Wernig
Cover for NY Waste design by Glenn Wernig ©2010

Luke Palercmo

Named after Paul Newman's character in Cool Hand Luke, 1968 was a year marked with war, music and the birth of Luke Palermo.
Raised in Ocean City, NJ and graduate of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Luke moved to New York City in 1992 and began an illustrated magazine, Straight Jacket Tuxedo, which ran four issues. During this time he was part of several group shows at the Jack Light Gallery. In 1997 he began his involvement with the New York Waste, and in 2002 created Eville, a cartoon based on living in the East Village.
Luke?s work has appeared at or in the Antagonist Art Movement NYC, Big Art Show, The Big Takeover, Bowery Poetry Club NYC, The Idiom, Jack Light Gallery NYC, New York Waste, Pterodactyl Philadelphia, The R Bar, 941 Theatre and 3 AM Magazine.

Luke Palermo

Sergio Zuniga

Sergio Zuniga likes to draw...and drink beer.

More info at

Gary Pig Gold

The Man The Myth The Pig grew straight up in O Canada beneath the spell of mighty CHUM 1050-AM Toronto, watched The Monkees on TV faithfully every Monday night as a child, named his own first Prefab Four after a certain “I Am The Walrus” lyric, saw Jimi Hendrix at the first-ever concert he ever snuck in to, heard Joe Strummer’s 101’ers open for The Troggs on his first-ever night in London, started The Pig Paper, Canada’s first self-published music fanzine, to sell as a fake concert programme outside shows by The Who, started Pig Records so he could sell some Simply Saucer 45’s too, ran away to Surf City, USA so he could tour Australia (almost) with Jan & Dean (except he forgot his passport), spent the dreaded 1980’s back home leading the Canadian Endless Summer Band – the Great White Northland’s only, a-hemm, authorized Beach Boys tribute band, had Some Time in New York City with the former singer from Teenage Head and the former drummist from Television, released the first-ever “indie” album on the former Soviet Union’s Melodiya label, put together the severely alt. country Ghost Rockets so he could try to get a song into the second Brady Bunch movie, has contributed to books and records on and with everyone from Pat Boone and Jim Carroll to Jandek and the Bay City Rollers, and yet still proudly contributes his own particular brand of run-on sentencing to each and every issue of New York Waste he can!


Pig Shit


Somewhat of a tortured soul. Writes because he has to. Not so sure if anyone will ever hear his songs or read his work but that's OK, as long as he is amusing himself, it's all good.


Christian Gabriel

also known as "Christian Gabriel Fazio" evolved from the cold unforgiving streets of Amityville, NY. Coming from a family of artists, he grew up drawing his favorite comic book heroes and cartoons. During his teenage years, he moved to Las Vegas where he would soon enlist in the Marine Corps. It wasn't until he was deployed to Iraq in 2005 that would stare death in the face for the first time and that's when he truly gained ample respect for the departed. With months away from a Bachelors degree in Media Arts & Animation, he currently resides in Las Vegas.


"New York State of Mind"