Page 8 - NYWaste-Spring2014
P. 8
New York Waste
Resurrection issue 2014
Tailor to the stars from NYC Rock’n’Roll to David Bowie to Jared Leto, (yes, I know!), Jenn Dixon, kills with superb clothing. Her mix of good ol’ American work esthetics are sharp enough for the most discerning rock city slicker.
Innercity Raiders, out on their own and back since 2013 with renewed aplomb, living out in an old farm house complete with barn and ancient machinery, Jenn is sewing her way back into the star studded sect. Every piece you can see is inject- ed with Jenn’s sense of street cred and rock’n’roll classlessness.
“I bought a historic 3 story farmhouse from 1892, and been turning it into the new Innercity Raiders HQ. Top floor raw attic with a turret is the design workshop, lower level basement was turned into a screenprint shop, where I screenprint every T and hoodie by hand myself, and
the best part is the small carriage barn, original to the property that is The Innercity Raiders show- room and clubhouse. It’s a small dirty old shop full of the ICR archives/history, dirt, rusty objects, old furniture, and the new ICR Collection... as dou- bles as the ICR clubhouse when pals come to visit. It’s the hangout and the best part of
the homestead. where I go for inspiration and where every- one gets wasted! Ha!
Images shot by Jeff Forney (
feature the new collection... dirty black jeans and jean
jackets making a comeback, dirty Ts, dirty muscle Ts, dirty longsleeve Ts, dirty
hoodies, and new dirty sweatpants that are killer!! collection is expanding for the new season which will hits stores in
Sept 2014. The Benton family,
Texas Clamp, Gass Wild, Lundo are among the NYC
R’n’R crew to wear I.C.R.
"The Innercity Raiders" was
relaunched in 2013, based in
the tradition of what I do best.
I made the best, dirty rotten
damn Tshirts in America - and
damn proud - each one is 100%
made of American goods, top to bottom... the cotton is woven in USA, the thread is made in USA, the labels are made in USA, they are hand screenprinted in USA, and best part is they all go through the DIRTY WASH, a treatment I invented that beats them up to make them feel like your old best friend. They are soft, shrunk, and they are full of holes, just how we like em! That’s what I do best.”
The collection of Tshirts and Hoodies are in-store now in NYC at Barneys New York and OAK NYC and OAK Brooklyn... and in LA, San Fran, Toronto, and of course they are “big in Japan.”