Page 34 - New York Waste Hot & Sweaty Summer 2015
P. 34
34 Summer ISSue - NY WASTe 2015
Don’t Waste Your Stars Spring Astrological Forecast by Sunset Sensible.
For personal planetary consultations Sunset can be contacted at and appears at the Tarot Society monthly reading event in Bushwick.
Aries, the ram^Feeling anxious has taken new forms and heights for you, hot-head. In all hon- esty, Aries, it could be a simple matter of adjusting the Feng Shui of your apartment or house. Some- times rearranging clutter can bring miraculous re- sults in other areas of life. The stuck energy is said to move and hence make movement in the corre- sponding life of the owner of the stuff. Creating balance is what I am getting at. When you get to the ex’s stuff, don’t think a second about it. Put it straight to the curb like you wanted to do to their teeth once but refrained from thankfully. . .don’t worry about throwing out perfectly good stuff, it will get repurposed and reused, even if by only the gnomes and trolls of the underworld. Suggested Summertime Activity- Bong Hits
Taurus, the bull_Online gambling proves lucra- tive. You host many an extravagant soiree at your not so humble abode because you truly enjoy your home and have the desire to share your space and abundance. This turns into new career ventures which leads to a relationship that you know is trouble from the get go and you get addicted al- most immediately to sex and drugs and rock and roll, again. We all know how this ends, I won’t recap for ya, except this time you get a chance to go backwards like you have magical time travel skills and make it work because all those years of poor communication have paid off and you finally have the apt words to say and express your values maturely yet with heart and agility. I am rooting for you! Go Bull!! Suggested Summertime Activ- ity – Frisbee
Gemini, the twins`You are ruled by Mercury and this recent Mercury retrograde will not com- pletely shut up until the end of June, then you can go forward with trying to dig yourself out of the heaping pile you find yourself in. You can intellec- tually deal with it all for a brief pause of quick witted bliss and joy in only the way a Gemini can but then you find your emotionally immature dop- pelganger has to show up after the weekend of fireworks throw your even keel off balance. By August you are back in the driver seat. You are an excellent driver. Suggested Summertime Activity - Prank calling everyone, and Karaoke.
Cancer, the crabaStatus, a cushioned ego and the stamina to capitalize on all that is presented pretty much sizes up your priorities for this sweaty season, and believe you me, you are rockin’ and rollin’...and yeah, ..well, you know what they say... “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!” That said, I think it’s safe to say that you are , uhh , ykno, like your own authority! SO for once and for all can you just grow a pair and stand up to your Mom?! Please? Whoever that may be for the moment, I know you have a collection. It’s actually getting out of hand. Please stop adopting new Moms. Enough is enough. You are addicted to everything Mom, UGH! Weird! You just made me sound like a mom.... Suggested Summertime Activity - Babysitting
Leo, the lionbThis is what it is like to be pro- ducer, director, star and... and..jilted lover. The stage and drama doesn’t get much more intense.
You can move onto writing your own opera but I
will say that you could get someone else to star in it when the time comes. Life is a dream and this summer I believe gives you a lasting understand- ing of the heart and all its valves. It may not be all about you, it may be other people’s dramas but they are all coming to you then for some wisdom. You have it, after all, Jupiter the planet of higher learning is about to move on into Virgo in late Au- gust, but has enjoyed its traverse through fun filled Leo throughout the year. You are high on life and probably can’t even concentrate on this paragraph. Suggested Summertime Activity – Drawing out your family tree and figuring out where you inher- ited your hot temper.
Virgo, the virginc You can understand you are stronger in the face of seeing others who are more of a mess? Yes? I know that sounds insensitive and that you have utmost compassion and empa- thy and a desire to help others but I just want to make sure you are counting your blessings and not empathizing yourself into a downward spiral of depression over the things you cannot be even close to responsible for or related to whatsoever. Illusion can get in the way of reality but I am real- izing that you are upon the precipice of rising above the shortcomings of your fellow man in the guise of making a better place for all junkies large and small. Let your words of wisdom be a beacon and get paid for it! Suggested Summertime Activ- ity- Fix all your broken stuff.
Libra, the scalesdGroup activity is a focal point this summer and you are given much responsibil- ity. That’s because you are the balancer or bal- ancers creating harmony wherever you go. People appreciate this even though it never seems like enough for you. Pay attention and listen. You re- ally are getting credit where it is due. There are many a “déjà vu” for you, but not just imagined, you really have happenings repeating themselves since your ruler Venus is going retrograde this July 25th ‘til the end of Summer. These repetitions will most likely involve themes of possessions and boundaries, money and spending, income and rip- offs, dates and beer-goggles, and home and secu- rity. Make sure the doors are locked. NYC is still NYC and hustlers be hustlin’. Suggested Summer Activity – Decorate your home like a beach house, and/or organize beach visits with friends who need the ocean for escape rather than the local pub.
Scorpio, the scorpioneYou have recently be- come a member of an elite group of egotists and are feeling the universal love with your new tribe. You see yourself turning into your father and then have to analyze deeply what kind of weirdo friends you have and why your home has such limited furnishings. You kinda wanna take a trip this summer but you just can’t muster the motiva- tion and would rather armchair travel with the compooter. Just as well...the juggling “relation- ships” are backing you into a corner and you are flipping back and forth like a fish out of water, and so you dump them out of sexaustion and want alone time. Suggested Summer Activity – A wood- working class
Sagittarius, the archerfFinding your pride and joy and living life fully and with enthusiasm has
been working well so far this year but I see this summer kicking off with a thud or rather your choice to break free of the routine and do what you Saggies do best, philosophize! Writing about your hopes and dreams can materialize into new values and give you new ideas on how to over- spend on stuff. Don’t let the communication breakdown with the partner since the Mercury ret- rograde last month go on too long or things are gonna get awkward and could affect the health. Learn harmony and balance from a Libra, but don’t try to sleep with them in the process. Sug- gested Summertime Activity – Rolling spliffs.
Capricorn, the goatg Are you finding yourself being reminded of last Christmas? Is December 2014 haunting you in a deep psychological and manipulative way? Home, keys to your home and the key to your own mental clarity is all on your mind in the first week of this ‘in like a lion’ sum- mer...well , ok more like a snake , but they are both deadly animals if they want to be, so, don’t kill us all, jus sayin. What do goths and steam- punks wear during the summer anyway? Ohhh yeah, you just stay cooooool. Speaking of which you will need a porta-fan cuz you are running around taking all those jobs you worked hard try- ing to land...last December. Then you push the envelope as you always do and pull a “you can’t fire me I quit”, twice. Good thing you are master- ing the art of triangles and power struggles! I be- lieve this summer you get your final lesson into Jedi-hood. Suggested Summer Activity- Escaping from jail(that being anything that is keeping you locked up).
Aquarius, the water carrierhThe Summer is all about you and you are all about the Summer. You are really good at making weird parties happen that leave everyone feeling a little nauseous. But that’s the stuff that gets everybody buzzing right? Like “ohh yeah you gotta check out this thing that is so mysterious and kinky and yeah like every- body’s doing it”. Please don’t exploit your fol- lowers though or thou shalt pay in the form of a battle with an andre giant-esque beast. Please do cultivate the love you can give to ensure the good time of all beings and then at the end of July dis- appear and everyone will be like “hey where did that crazy thing go?” and you’ll be immortalized. Suggested Summertime Activity – Writing a ro- mance novel.
Pisces, the fishi You are going on a big trip, it is costing you a lot of money. It’s okay, you deserve it,(that’s what they say),It’s okay, it’ll improve your self-worth,(that’s what I say)! Your home, it seems to be dissolving around you, but no, under- stand that it is just transforming into your dream home. Your relationship, don’t worry, it’s getting there but you are not so easy to land, don’t keep blaming the other. Your creativity, flowing like a volcano, make sure the home doesn’t look like it got hit by one. Keep the level of partying in check as to avoid indulgence related health issues. Don’t go to the Aquarius’ weird event. Suggested Sum- mertime Activity – Making income, reciting ritual prayers of gratitude, and learning a romance lan- guage.