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Viola Rocker, AMALIA D
Born into a classical musical family, at 4 1⁄2 years old a reluctant Amalia played in front of her first audi- ence:
“I stood in front of the class seated Indian style on the floor, and turned my back to the audience. I played. And they loved it!!! Heard the 'thunderous' applause and turned around to see their eyes wide open and joy on their faces. So I thought, hmmm, maybe this really is fun! I am having fun, and I am making people happy too! Win win!”
- what drives you, your biggest influence...
The love of music, and the camaraderie it fosters- the sharing of glorious moments, with no words to de- scribe, just feelings of joy and beauty and life as a higher power of existence-
No fun playing alone, I love the shared experience -
New York Waste - Born Too Late Issue 2016 25
biggest influence are all those I feel and think 'believe' in that same passion, and how it affects us all collectively in such a positive way.
On NYC: “The breeding ground of shared cre- ativity, diversity and passion - it's still here, and we won't let it go! Among her favs are She Wolves, Cycle Sluts, New Professionals, Pisser,
Fire Gods, Lenny Kaye / Patti Smith, Sweet Tits. “Originality & brilliance by all, forging new paths, inspiring performances & personali- ties- strong powerful and kind people all!!!
“JackKaren is inspiring- love his songwriting and collaborating with him. Feel like we are on the same wave length in our approach to life, which is the essence of excellent gorgeous and
brilliant music- LOVE IT”
Where you guys headed? Europe Japan tour
Hard Hitter, Hitomi Nakamura
Hitomi keeps the beat no matter where she is. One of the top female drummers in the city, keeping it simple and keeping on top of it. Drumming is in her blood. Her drummer father got her up on the kit by the age of 8. Hitomi is on time. Practices hard everyday, but she is sometimes stubborn and she playing so many bands. The Statues of Liberty (2 tall guys & Hitomi, creating lunacy all around). High Teen Boogie (a three piece all girl japunk), Rockaway Bitch (all girrl Ramones Trib- ute), The Hard Nips (riff-heavy, post-punk all girrl Japanese expats)
Drum setup: 4 piece simple, Yamaha by choice. Heroes: Christopher walken - heroin: Patti smith Influences: John Bonham, Keith moon, Stewart copland. Loves: M&M peanuts, Rock, Japanese novels. My best Moment of the day is taking bath with bath salts.
Photos: Lucky Lawler ©2016

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